Monday, April 25, 2011


Beauty: beauty salons, the use of bleaching agents, may diminish pigment.
drug therapy: can adjuvant oral vitamin C, 1 times 0.2 ~ 0.4g, 1 3 times a day; or vitamin E, 1 time 50mg, 1 3 times a day for several months. Optional Liuweidihuangwan medicine, the yin and kidney, 1 pill 1 pill, tablet 1 8, 1 8 capsules are 1 to 2 times, have a certain effect. In recent years, application of carbon dioxide laser or liquid nitrogen cryotherapy freckles, but also has a good effect, but only relatively superficial freckles.
daily life: should pay attention to dark, to prevent direct sunlight face, wearing a hat when going out or playing dry umbrella can also be treated with sunscreen in the exposed areas.

half a tomato with minced to a paste, add two drops of glycerin, refrigerator, deposited his face once a day, persist for some time freckle natural retreat ~! ! I tried, the effect is good ~! !

to eat more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis with dimension C to the beauty salon to do freckle care, life should have more home rule early hours of dry skin, freckles, the choice of cosmetics such as emulsion or almonds dense, moist skin, summer dark sun.

homemade mask;
Poria Cocos grinding; surface covered with honey to reconcile night.

black ugly grinding; with egg Nya ⒃ matched them to reconcile the night awakened Zhu Chi ァ? nbsp;

Waicha hydroquinone cream or 3% hydrogen peroxide, can be temporarily effective, but also once a day paint with 3% lactic acid to back crumbs. Can also be used by the physician point of 60% trichloroacetic acid chemical peel coated, external sales of freckles cream some are also available. In addition to the topical treatment, may also use short-term liquid nitrogen spray freezing, Chinese medicine treatment of topical formulations. However, the effect of the treatment is often unstable.

fitness can also try the following methods:
1. eat a vitamin C and vitamin E, can be achieved freckle role.
2. eggplant skin with a clean attaining a period of time, small spots less noticeable.
3. a day to drink a glass of tomato juice or tomatoes used, to prevent the freckle has a good effect. Because tomatoes are rich in glutathione, glutathione inhibit melanin, the pigment so calm decline or disappear.
4. wash your face in water and add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar, a role in reducing pigmentation.
5. the provision of clear-cut carrot pieces Ji Zhi, take 10-30 ml per day on the evening after washing face painting, to be dry, clean. In addition, the daily cup of carrots, whitening skin.
6. to stir lemon juice, add sugar moderate drinking. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Changyin lemon juice can not only beautify the skin, but also to make melanin, the role to freckle.

papaya and milk in a blender, apply to the face, two minutes later washed off. Persist for a week, there will be good results!

but I would like to add a number:
easily than natural food freckles
Everyone wants to have rosy and smooth face, because it not only gives a sense of beauty, but also to make their own minds happy and wholesome. However, some people face, there are many brown freckles, and this phenomenon more women than men. So what magic formula to remove it?

in natural foods, with maintenance of efficacy of the skin and remove freckles There are many kinds of food. Are presented clinically proven that there are several effective therapeutic method.

tomato juice:

1 cup tomato juice or drink per day regularly eat tomatoes, prevention and treatment of freckles has a good effect. Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, known as Vitamin C can inhibit tyrosinase activity in skin and effectively reduce the formation of melanin, so that the skin white and tender, dark spots fade.

cucumber soup:

take rice, 100 grams, 300 grams of fresh cucumber, salt 2 grams, 10 grams of ginger. Wash the cucumber, peeled and cut into thin slices to the heart. Wash the rice, ginger, washed Paisui. About 1000 ml pot, add water, set the fire, under the rice, ginger, Wu Huo boil after the switch to gentle heat slowly cook until rice bad nowadays into the cucumber, then cook until thick soup, into the salt seasoning. The second day, warm clothes, you can moisturize the skin, beauty cream, lose weight. Modern scientific research shows that cucumber is rich in potassium and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carbohydrates, protein, and mustard, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Regular consumption of cucumber soup, to remove freckles, whitening skin.

sugar lemon juice:

stir the lemon juice, add crystal sugar drink. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, 100 克 lemon juice contains vitamin C up to 50 mg. In addition it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins and so on. Changyin lemon juice, not only white and tender skin, the skin blood vessels to prevent aging, eliminate facial pigmented spots, but also has the role of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. red dates, black fungus soup


take black fungus 30 grams, jujube 20. Wash the black fungus, red dates, plus adequate water, cook about half an hour. Daily breakfast, after dinner each time. Often take, can Totale cream, bodybuilding muscle abundance, and for the treatment of facial spots, Xingshou. This recipe is in the black fungus, Black fungus can be emollients to prevent skin aging; jujube and the Qi, spleen emollients, helps get rid of black fungus spots.

carrot juice:

crush fresh carrots Ji Zhi, take 10-30 ml morning and evening after washing face to face shoot juice, to be coated with vegetable oil dry hand pat face. In addition, drink a cup of carrot juice a day has freckle effect. Because carrots are rich in vitamin A of the original. Vitamin A was originally in the body can be converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A has a smooth, strong role of the skin, and rough skin and freckles prevention.

Also, boil water with a melon vine to wipe her face, bathing, moisturizing the skin, eliminate freckles. Calendula also has skin care spot removers leaf juice effect. The marigold leaves pounded, juice obliterated face, can help eliminate freckles, but also fresh and white skin. Dandelion flower water can also be used for spot removers, take a dandelion, pour one cup boiling water, cooling filter, then sooner or later face dandelion flower water can make the face clean, less risk of dermatitis.

I told you several Whitening Mask, you quickly give it a try!
1. the vinegar and salt dissolved in water, the ratio is about water: vinegar: salt = 9:3:1, with transfer a good mixture of wetting the towel, rub in the face, morning and evening, (if you want to erase a one or two more have no problem is), the effect is good, oh, and the results soon, the skin will be white, acne will be gone.
2. blasted with strawberry sauce, put the egg white. Wipe every 2 to 3 days a
3. Water and honey added after the deployment of pearl powder, so used a few times after the face is white and tender!
4. The simplest cheapest and most convenient, but very very very effective whitening methods (personal experience) will be ended up mushy bananas (must be the banana, plantain can not be replaced), and then into the whole milk, then add a small amount of water. These things is probably the 2:5:1 ratio and then to wipe his face, then gently tap the face, and finally do nothing. 20 minutes after the wash ... What did you see? ? ? ? ! ! ! Is not white in a circle?

large collection of beautiful white little secret
1, milk and white: for a small cup of milk, (summer, you can also put the milk into the refrigerator, apply cool, will be more comfortable.) Steam the face with steam, smoke filled the cotton milk, apply to the face about fifteen minutes, remove, milk with water to wash his face. Long-term adherence, can make skin pale and uniform.
2, for two-finger width of three fingers with a long face and stabbed aloe leaf spot cleaned, then a three-centimeter-long cucumber? egg white, 2-3 g pearl powder, the right amount of flour (used dilute thick.) Aloe, cucumber into the juicer and pour into small bowl, then add egg white, pearl powder, amount of flour into a paste, flowing down to not prevail. Wash my face clean, wipe the paste is tuned to the face, dry cleaning, getting water on the Skin, skin care products can be 1-2 times a week.
3, tomatoes, honey, this whitening whitening
simultaneously for whitening the face and hands. In particular, acne skin, oily effective to prevent infection, and meticulous skin white.
recipe: tomato half, honey appropriate.
use: Tomatoes can be added after mixing tomato juice into the amount of honey stirred to a paste. Evenly applied to the face or hands, to be about 15 minutes and wash. 1-2 times a week is recommended to do
4, green pepper, cucumber, a quarter of bitter gourd, celery, green apple, drink vegetable juice labeled as beauty, so there is sufficient vegetables and juice, vitamin C inside , is very effective for whitening.
5, get fresh eggs, wash, wipe dry, add 500 ml of high-quality vinegar soaked in a month. When the eggshell dissolve in vinegar solution, the solution mixed with a small spoon to take a cup of boiling water, stirring after taking a cup a day. Long-term use vinegar, egg, make the skin smooth and delicate, to wipe the face of all spots.
6. honey, protein film; fresh eggs, honey and a small spoon, mix the two evenly, before going to sleep this film with a clean soft brush brushing the face, during massage can stimulate the skin cells, promote blood circulation. After a period of time to be dried, washed with water twice a week is appropriate. This mask can also be diluted with water release after the hand-wringing, winter can prevent chapped.
7, Chinese White: Material: Angelica, licorice, nuts, parsley, green bean powder, sandalwood decile into powder.
(1) wash: Add enough water, you can.
(2) attaining: Add honey, milk and 1 / 4 of the protein, moderate tone spreads in the whole face (eyes and mouth can not apply of course), until dry and then rinse with water. One week 1 or 2 times (not too many times, the skin will not stand), can be used for acne, black classes, freckles, the same can also reduce the pores near the nose, used people feel good, the skin become white and tender and inexpensive.
8, Material: Angelica 6 grams; 1 egg yolk; 1 tablespoon of honey; cucumber juice 1 tsp; olive oil 3 tsp.
practices: (1) first Angelica powder, packed in a bowl, add egg yolk, stir well. (2) then add honey and cucumber juice, mix thoroughly applied in the face, about twenty minutes, then rinse with water. (3) Wash the face with a cotton pad dampened with olive oil, spreads in the face, about 5 minutes. (4) and then with hot towel covering the face, then do not need to remove the sponge. (5), and other towel cools, then remove the towel and sponge, wash the face can be.
9, egg white mask: the egg white into the bowl (to the egg yolk) and stir until the white foam, add 6-8 drops of fresh lemon, stir well and directly applied to the face, with the convergence of the skin, anti-inflammatory role of anti-wrinkle .
10, milk mask: a tablespoon of fresh milk, add 4-5 drops of olive oil, flour, and mix thoroughly after the surface covered. This mask, with convergence, long-term use on the skin to eliminate facial wrinkles, increase skin vitality and elasticity, making skin fresh, smooth, middle-aged women or for more maternal facial wrinkles.
11, Banana Mask: The banana peeled and smashed into a paste after the surface covered ,15-20 minutes after the wash, long time to make facial skin is delicate, fresh, especially for dry or sensitive skin facial to good effect. This method can make the skin fresh and smooth, and can remove facial acne and freckles. This method is suitable for any kind of skin, once a week, can soften skin whitening skin
12, Tremella mask: white fungus, Angelica, Poria, Polygonatum, 50 grams of sieved into powder, 5 grams of powder taken every night , 3 g of water and mix thoroughly with flour coated, wash away the next morning. White fungus, Angelica, Polygonatum can nourish the skin, Poria can be cured surface spot and guide the various drugs directly into the skin, but the face of people suffering from dermatitis to be used with caution.
13, Apple Mask: The apple peeled and cut or chopped paste, then applied to the face, in the case of dry skin allergies may increase amount of fresh milk or vegetable oil, oily skin should add some egg white. After 15-20 minutes, then washed with hot towels. Every other day, a course of 20 days, with the skin smooth, moist, greasy role, but also to eliminate the skin acne, freckles, dark spots and other symptoms.
14, olive oil mask: the olive oil heated to around 37 ℃, then add appropriate amount of honey, then gauze soaked in oil, remove the covering the face, removed after 20 minutes, to prevent skin aging, skin freckle lifting effect, applied to the skin especially dehydration.
15, lemon mask: after a fresh lemon juice doubled the water, then add three tablespoons of flour into a paste then apply to the face surface 15 to-20 minutes, remove, or a fresh lemon slices directly affixed to the face for 15-20 minutes or so removed, wash the face. Once a day, seven days a course of treatment. This mask has a convergence effect, make skin fresh, smooth, delicate, long-term adherence to delay skin aging.
16, Cucumber mask: Take fresh cucumber juice by adding milk, honey appropriate, the wind a few drops of essential oil and mix thoroughly coated, 20-after 30 minutes after the wash, Wash and cut thin slices of cucumber or directly affixed to the face, with moisturizing, whitening, wrinkle effect.
17, Angelica Mask: Take Angelica 10 grams, 10 grams of white monkshood, joint research to fine, add water and honey amount of transfer award surface covered, 20 minutes after the wash, a wrinkle, Whitening, whitening effect, for yellow brown pigmentation on the face or by spot patients.
18, honey, tomato mask: first crushed tomato juice, add honey and a little amount of flour into a paste, applied to the face to maintain 20-30 minutes, with the skin moist, soft white, soft effect, long-term use also has a freckle treatment of skin wrinkles and acne and other functions.
19, yogurt, honey, lemon juice, 100 mg each, plus five Weisheng Su E and mix thoroughly, and retain surface covered 15 minutes, then wash with water. This method can promote skin shed dead cells on the table, the new cell regeneration, so as to achieve the purpose of skin fitness.
20, 100 ml of milk, 50 grams of strawberries, smashed drunk, into a paste, rubbed the face, leave for 20 minutes after the wash. This method prevents dry skin, aging, skin smooth, moist and delicate.
21, 50 ml of fresh milk, add 4 to 5 drops of olive oil and the amount of flour and mix thoroughly surface covered, 20 minutes after the wash. This method is long-term use can increase the vitality of the skin elasticity, skin becomes fresh, smooth, delicate white.
22, yogurt, cream of equal parts, mix thoroughly mixed after the surface covered, leave 20 minutes after the wash with water. This method is convergence, long-term adherence to eliminate facial wrinkles on the skin for facial wrinkles in older women or more pregnant women
23, with milk, egg, and lemon juice, and put some honey , and pearl powder, stir together the points after VE, put paper mask soaked, soak a few hours later deposited on the face, it is the spouse's face ah, even sensitive skin and very dry, honey and milk are watered milk is also white, lemon with VC, there is VE

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